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Summer Just Got Sweeter at Baltimore’s Favorite Furniture Consignment Store!

furnitureconsignmentstoreAs part of Cornerstone’s Commitment to Community Outreach, we purchased this Huge Bowl of Candy Kitchen Taffy along with five $20 Gift Certificates for Ocean City’s Favorite Candy Store at a silent auction to raise money for the non-profit Believe in Tomorrow Children’s Foundation! ( For over 31 years this great organization has been helping families fighting pediatric cancer by providing Hospital and Respite Housing!

During the month of April, Cornerstone is Paying It Forward by offering these gifts to our customers as a way to bring attention to this wonderful organization and to make Candy Kitchen’s Generous Gift to the silent auction go even farther! ( Stop in the store anytime this month and Register to Win One of the Five $20 Gift Certificates to be raffled off Tuesday, May 2nd. There is no purchase necessary and you can enter each time you visit! While you’re here, enjoy some taffy from our bowl!