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Ringing in the New Year with more Great Consignment Furniture!

baltimoreconsignmentstoreThe year may be coming to an end, but don’t expect the hard working team at Baltimore’s Favorite Consignment Store to rest on past success. We’ve just brought in another truck load of Beautiful High Quality Consignment Furniture! It includes Formal Dining Room as well as Antique Country Casual!Pictured here are some of the pieces as we unload them into our workshop. Remember, Cornerstone is Baltimore’s and Washington’s only furniture consignment store with a dedicated workshop. This means everything you buy from us is ready to be placed in your home!

The dining room pieces are from the Beacon Hill Collection- a very high end maker of Exact Period Reproductions made in the North East during the 1930’s through the 1950’s. We’ll soon get these pieces on the website, but in the meanwhile, stop in and see them in person. You won’t be disappointed. Speaking of stopping in, we’ll be Open from 10am to 3pm on New Year’s Eve and All Day New Year’s Day!