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Free Fabric Protection with Every New Sofa Purchase!

baltimoreconsignmentfurnitureHere’s a picture of our Re-sized New Furniture Department. While we’ve got plenty of room to display a great selection of our Custom-Made Bookcases and TV Cabinets, the space just can’t handle the large amount of Close-out and Discontinued Sofas that have been a part of this area in the past. In fact, we’ve got less than a dozen new sofas, chairs and sectionals left in the store!

While they are all priced below the Big Box Stores “Sale Prices”, we’ve decided to give you even more incentive to buy one of these bargains. So, Now Through June 15th, We’re Giving Away a Free Accident Protection Plan with Every New Sofa Purchase! Leather or Fabric, each new sofa bought over the next two weeks will have a 5 year plan that protects you from spills, stains, cuts and more! And all at our Everyday, Close-out Price.

So, hurry in to get the best selection on your new sofa. Because while we’re in the process of making our New Furniture Department better than ever, we’ll no longer be carrying close-out and discontinued sofas.