You are currently viewing August 2, 2018- Selling High Quality Close-Out Furniture While Supplies Last!

August 2, 2018- Selling High Quality Close-Out Furniture While Supplies Last!

baltimorefurnituresaleAnother busy day at Baltimore’s Favorite Furniture Consignment Store as we sort through Two Truckloads of Brand New Furniture Close-outs! We’ve got Round Mahogany Inlaid Tables, Sideboards, Chairs, Secretary Desks, Demilune Tables and More! Super nice furniture that is sure to please.

We’re helping a local business liquidate after furnishing High End Niche Hotel Properties on the East Coast. All of these Finely-Made Pieces are Brand New and just Out of the Box. No damaged or problems here. furnituresalebaltimore

Please don’t delay. Although we have two truckloads to sell, the Quality, Style and Price of these pieces make a Value that assures quick sales! Who gives you the opportunity to buy Brand New Furniture at a Fraction of the Original Cost?…..Only Cornerstone!