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Consignment Furniture from PA House, Henkel Harris, Ethan Allen and More Arrived This Week at Baltimore’s Favorite Furniture Store!

baltimorefurniturestoreIn Baltimore, the warm Summer weather is starting to give way to the cool breezes of Fall. For those of us in the furniture business, this means making sure we’ve got a great selection of Dining Room Furniture to help our Baltimore and Washington DC customers get their homes ready for Holiday entertaining. Pictured here is Bill cleaning and polishing a Solid Cherry PA House Breakfront. It’s just one piece from a beautiful dining room set that arrived yesterday. Other pieces coming in this week include makers like Henkel Harris, Stickley, Ethan Allen, Theodore Alexander and More!

Whether it’s Dining Room, Bedroom or just an occasional piece of furniture that you need to prepare for the guests you’ll be hosting this year, don’t wait another minute! Cornerstone has the biggest and best selection of consignment furniture in the area. And while we love the ‘reach’ that our website gives us, there’s always more furniture to see and buy in our ‘preview room’ and dock area for customers who are able to visit us in person!