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“House of Cards” Selling No Longer Needed Furniture and More!

baltimoreconsignmentfurnitureIt’s no secret that Baltimore Loves “House of Cards!” What may not be quite as well known is that everyone here at Cornerstone Loves their Furniture and Accessories almost as much as the show. That’s because over the last few years, Baltimore and Washington DC’s Favorite Consignment Store has been helping the wonderful staff from House of Cards fill their sets with great looking, traditional furniture, worthy of a Washington DC office or home.

And while we’ve loved selling them pieces (we truly appreciate their business), it’s fun to help them sell a bit of the pieces that have finished their time in the spotlight. This gives our great clientele a chance to Own and Enjoy a Piece of TV History. Better still, all of these quality pieces are available at a low everyday Cornerstone price. The great little story that comes with each piece is yours at no extra charge!

Stop in today to get your little piece of Netflix history.