You are currently viewing Henkel Harris, Hancock and Moore, Statton and Other High Quality Pieces Filling Our Dock Area!

Henkel Harris, Hancock and Moore, Statton and Other High Quality Pieces Filling Our Dock Area!

timoniumbaltimoreconsignmentfurnitureAnother busy day for the hard working staff of Baltimore’s Favorite Furniture Store! Here’s just a few pieces from our morning pick-ups yesterday. The Beautiful Game Table is from Henkel Harris. The Blue Sofa is from Hancock and Moore. And the Queen Anne Dining Chair is just one piece from a Dining Room Full of Statton. Other Statton Pieces include a China Cabinet, Corner Cabinet and Large Oval Table with 3 leaves. The pretty little hall table is from Councill Craftsmen.

One of our trucks is on the way to Northern Virginia this morning where we’ll deliver an Inlaid Mahogany Dining Table and pick up a Statton Bedroom Set. Visit today to see all of these latest arrivals before they get snatched up by other customers who appreciate Quality and Condition!