You are currently viewing Henkel Harris and Statton Furniture for your Master Bedroom!

Henkel Harris and Statton Furniture for your Master Bedroom!

baltimorefurniturestoresolidmahoganybedroomHere’s a picture of some great pieces of Used Henkel Harris Bedroom Furniture that we just put in our Baltimore Consignment store. This set is Solid Mahogany and includes a King Poster Bed, Bombay Style Triple Dresser and a Pair of Bedside Chests! Click our “Just Arrived Furniture” button to see the details on this fabulous set.

We also just received some wonderful Solid Cherry Bedroom Pieces from Statton. Like Henkel Harris, this wonderful maker is no longer in business, but you can still find pieces here in our store. We haven’t gotten this set up on our site yet, but you can See It In Person at the Store Today! It includes a really Large Tall Chest, a Pair of Bedside Tables and on Great Looking King Poster Bed.