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Henkel Harris and Baker Dining Room Furniture Arrives in Warehouse!

baltimorefurniturestoreIt’s not often that we get Two Fabulous Dining Room Sets on the same day! But, that’s exactly what happened this week. Pictured here are Owner Ted Drabik with Consignment Manager Beth Plein inspecting the latest arrivals.

Our wonderful staff spent the day yesterday polishing and placing these great dining room pieces on our floor. Both sets were from local Baltimore Estates. Included were two beautifully banded mahogany pedestal tables, two breakfronts, one inlaid huntboard, one flame-front buffet, and two stunning breakfronts. Also pictured are other wonderful pieces about to be put on the floor.

If you love high quality traditional furniture, stop by this week to really get a treat! (No tricks, we promise) If you decide to make a purchase, your going to Save Thousands of Dollars off the original price for this fabulous furniture.