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New Sofas Arrive from Craftmaster!

baltimorefurniturestoreYour favorite Baltimore Furniture Store continues to work hard to bring you value you won’t find anywhere else! This week, forget about the big box stores Sofa Sales and come see the great value on New Craftmaster Sofas that just arrived at Cornerstone.

You’ll find these High Quality American-Made Sofas “sit” just as good as they look! That’s because Craftmaster spares no expense, using only the highest quality lumber and foams inside all of their frames. These great looking sofas will give you years of use and enjoyment.

And don’t forget, all of Cornerstone’s New Furniture is ready for you to Take Home Today. That means you’re able to buy the piece you’re sitting on- no waiting, no hoping the one you want will arrive in time for your next party!

So don’t spend another minute sitting on your old, uncomfortable sofa. Come in today to see this huge selection of Close-outs and Discontinued Sofas in a wide variety of beautiful fabrics. With over 25 years in the antiques and used furniture business, we know what it takes to make a piece of furniture that you’ll be happy with for years to come. That’s why we’ve partnered with Craftmaster to bring you these unmatched values.