You are currently viewing Bradington Young Leather Sofas Arrive!

Bradington Young Leather Sofas Arrive!

baltimorefurniturestoreleathersofaBargains, Bargains, Bargains! That’s a big word to toss around, and one that this Baltimore Furniture Store doesn’t take lightly. But when we can sell you an eight-way hand tied, All Top Grain Leather Sofa, from one of America’s Best Manufacturers at Wholesale-like prices, we use it!

We just placed seven beautiful Bradington Young sofas on the floor. These High Quality Sofas are priced from $1295 to $1395 each! That’s right, the same sofas you’ll find elsewhere from $2295 to $2895 can be bought from Cornerstone right now for Hundreds of Dollars Less than anywhere else.

But as with all our close-outs, supplies are very limited. And, if past history is any indication, our customers will snap-up these tremendous bargains. So make the trip to visit us today. Our Selection, Quality and Price are sure to give you a value that makes the trip worthwhile from anywhere in the Baltimore and Washington DC area.