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Go Ravens!

baltimorefurniturestoreravensfansAs you can see by the photo, Everyone at Cornerstone Loves the Ravens! And fortunately, this weekends playoff game is on Sunday. That means we won’t miss a minute of the action. It also means our customers have time to come in today and buy a Flat Screen TV Cabinet to watch the big game.

Come visit us today and you’ll find a great selection of Brand New Flat Screen TV Cabinets (we’re standing in front of one of them) and Consoles. And unlike other new furniture stores, you’ll be able to Bring Your Purchase Home Today!

Want something customized to fit your exact Media Center Needs? No problem, and no extra charge. Just bring in your measurements, and we’ll build you a quality cabinet at a very affordable price. Click on our “Custom-made Pieces” under the “Manufacturers” drop-down on the left column and you’ll see our entire inventory of cabinet-made pieces to give you some great ideas!