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Cornerstone Moving Crew Loads Truck after Free Delivery Day!

baltimoresfavoritefurniturestoreHere’s a photo of two of our Trained Moving Crew loading deliveries after a very busy Free Delivery Day held here yesterday. The day was an exclusive offer for our Email Club Members Only. It’s just one of the ways that Cornerstone says Thank You for being part of our Email Club. Speaking of emails- everyone at Cornerstone knows how frustrating it can be to get your inbox filled from the same Big Box Retailers every week, or sometimes, every day! So we make it a point to only send out occassional emails with something important to say. We also respect your privacy, and use your address for our store-use only.

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At Cornerstone, we’re working hard to stay Baltimore’s Favorite Furniture Store, with the area’s largest selection of high quality New and Used Furniture, Special Offers and More. Come See for Yourself!