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Used Henkel Harris, Used Maitland Smith and More!

mahoganysideboardandchairsAs many of our customers enjoy their Week at the Beach or go School Supply Shopping, everyone at Cornerstone is busy preparing more Great Used Furniture to fill the store!

The picture here shows a snapshot of the activities from just one afternoon in our workshop. You see Mr. Nowlin polishing a set of Used Maitland Smith Chippendale Chairs. Behind him is a Like New, but Used, Henkel Harris Mahogany Sideboard with beautiful inlays. What you can’t see is the wonderful French Country Table by our dock door. This Round Henredon Table is a real eye catcher. Other hard-working staff members are shown in the picture helping to keep it all moving.

The next time you stop by the store, be sure to take a peek in the Warehouse and see this all for yourself. Because while everyday brings something different, you can be assured that at Cornerstone you’ll always find High Quality Pre-owned Furniture in Like New Condition from America’s Top Manufacturers. That’s because even in August, everyone at Cornerstone is thinking about furniture!